Friday, April 20, 2007

Long Week

Well, to say this week has been a challenge for me. To start Kaden is teething 4 teeth right now and probably his 1 yr. molars and boy does he show it. Cranky cranky! We are up throughout the night, and nothing seems to make it any better. I just pray they break through soon to give the little guy a break, and me to. On top of that we have doctor appointment to go and those are clear in San Fransisco. But hopefully those won't be for much longer. Ryane on the other had has had a pretty go week, she picked all her summer camps she will be attending while at her Dad's for the summer. She is perticularly excited about the Chef's camp. She will be learning to cook and they will going to a resturant to learn. She is also going to be going to a Sea World camp where she will learn to be a trainer. Just a fun filled summer! I wish I could go. Kaden has taken his first steps! About 5, but isn't sure yet so he perfers his walker. Scott is studying for the SAT once again. He is applying for the ACET program through the Coast Guard. It is a program that he will be sent to school for 2 years to get his enginering degree. So far the school of choose is Penn State. But, we'll see. He is still researching. Other than that life seems to be normal. But hey what is normal anyway?


Unknown said...

ryane... can i come to chefs camp with you!?! ;) that sounds fun! i bet the girls would love to do something like that too!

Rachel said...

What a fun surprise to see a comment from you on our blog! It's been SO LONG! Ryane is so grown up and beautiful...and what a cute little guy! Fun pictures! How cool for Ryane to do some little camps this summer. Both would be awesome. It's good to reconnect! :)