Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ryanes first football game!

Ryanes first time going to a NFL game. Scott surprised her with a trip to the Raiders stadium. We used alot of halloween make-up to put her game face on.

This was one of the true fans that was in the "Black Hole". That is were all the die hard fans sit. This guy is serious about this game stuff (scary)

Ryane previewing there seating.

Scott and Ryane settling in for the game.

And we can't forget about the little guy. Kaden didn't want to be left out of the action. So he got a little face action and put on his jacket.(don't worry, he stayed home with mom)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween Fun

Ryane desided that she wanted to be matching vampires with her brother.

He is so cute as a little count. It was a little challenging at first to put the makeup on his face, but after we let him decorate our faces he let us do his.

And this is Ryane and Kaden at the pumpkin patch. We have tons of patches around here, so it is always fun to decided which one to go to.